
Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Fear of heights

Never in my life had I faced such a difficult challenge. I stood in front of the cargo net feeling a sense of dread. I would never be ready for this. Never in my life. It was like he was telling me to climb a skyscraper. I will never do it. My forehead was burning like a hot spa.

It was Physical Education and there was lots of equipment around. The net was something we all had to do and I needed to at least try to climb it. I was not a good climber, and never had been. I wanted to turn away. I’m afraid of heights. But I grabbed the net in my hands  and began to climb. Left then right foot then foot. “I CAN DO IT” I said repeatedly in my head. Hand over hand I slowly climbed up the cargo net my legs shaking. I said words to encourage myself as I went. I was worried that I might get a rope burn or splinters.  I tried not to think about feeling scared of heights. I went slower the longer I climbed. I stopped altogether. Even though i started slow, it was nothing compared to the speed I stopped at. I felt weak and there was still so far to climb.

I called to the teacher that I was finished. I couldn't keep going, and slowly lowered myself down. I was thinking that I had tried my best. I still most likely cannot climb the looming cargo net. But I was pleased I had tried. I got to the highest point I could.

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