
Tuesday 15 April 2014


We moved house over the holidays from Nelson to Auckland. We had takeaways every night for 2 nights. We also slept in a bed in the car for the same amount of time as we were driving. This  experience was not something I want to do again as it was not a very comfortable sleep. Iv'e never moved house before so it was scary and exiting at the same time.

We got to have our first Christmas in our new house. On Christmas morning we woke Mum and Dad up so we could open our presents. My brother and I both got an ipad. "YAY," we yelled. The first app I downloaded was youtube and the next was angry birds go. We also got a tv that can connect to phones and ipads so we can watch youtube off them as well.  We've been using the TV if we both want to watch the same thing. Which isn't often. We like watching different things at different times.
It was a great Chritmas.


  1. What a great piece of descriptive writing Braeden. I really enjoyed hearing about your holiday. Make sure you read what you've written to catch any mistakes (I've, Christmas)!

  2. Well, the van was sold, so you don't have to sleep in it ever again! :)


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