
Friday 28 March 2014

Show not tell exercise 3

I did this with francis and this is a show not tell.

“Goodbye coach” Bob said walking to the street “Goodbye Bob” his coach replied, He walked around a neighbourhood & found a shortcut through an alleyway. He thought to himself, “Should I go this way or should I go the long way home” He stood there for a while thinking until a dog barked & made him run into the alleyway, he didn’t stop until he came to a rubbish bin. He took a breath then started walking, hearing multiple footstep behind him, “How long does this alleyway go on for?” he asked himself.

As soon as he turned around there was no one, not even a thing behind him it was pitch black. The next thing he saw was a group of people, he started running down the alleyway as fast as he could. He tripped up over his laces, he got up and started to slowly run but then ran for his life he ran through the alleyway & all the way home, he didn’t even stop once, he opened the door, ran inside and told his parents to never use the alleyway. His heart started to pound after he got in his bed he told himself never stay out late again.

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