
Monday 3 November 2014

Free Post

This story is about someone named Fred. Fred's favourite food was sausages. He had them in his lunch, his dinner and sometimes even for breakfast. One day Fred's family ran out of sausages and they wouldn't go shopping for the rest of the week. It was Wednesday. Fred started to cry, he knew that he would survive till Sunday just not by much.


Fred got up like usual brushed his teeth got dressed for school and when he went downstairs to have breakfast. He went to open the fridge to get a sausage to have with his PB&J sandwich and... HE REMEMBERED! His family had no sausages. So he had a big drink of milk... without a sausage. Then he packed his lunch box without a sausage and went to school.

He opened his lunchbox at lunch  and remembered he hadn't packed a sausage in his lunch because of his NSW. He sadly got his sandwich out of his lunchbox and ate it. Without the usual sausage. The rest of the day he was sad but hid it well. When the science teacher asked him what ingredients are in a sausage. He answered but his voice has hoarse. Then he went home had dinner with no sausages and went to bed.


It was not going well for Fred He went over to his friend Bobs house and asked him if he had a sausage. Bob said no but they were going shopping on Monday after school. Fred said it would be fine by then because his mum was going shopping for more sausages on Sunday. Bob knowing how hard it was for Fred tried to help him. This is hard for you isn't it? Bob asked. Fred didn't reply . Bob then thought it was the time to shut up about sausages because it was only making Fred worse.

Fred went to his first and second class. It was the same as yesterday science studying about meat and maths doing division. Then it was lunchtime. Again it was as hard for Fred eating his sandwich without a sausage.


Fred has been complaining how hard it is for him to mum but when mum makes a decision she sticks to it. Meaning no sausages for Fred until tomorrow. He goes on the computer and plays modded Minecraft unitil night time cometh.


Fred can't believe that its Sunday the first thing he does when mum gets up is bug her to go to the mall. She says ok but after she has a shower and gets dressed. Finally they get the sausages and mum cooks two of them for a reward for waiting for four days without sausages and Fred couldn't be happier.


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