
Friday 31 October 2014

Museum Trip

On the 28 of October the year 7's went to the Auckland museum. We were split up into 9 groups all with 1 parent. Then we went on 1 of the 2 buses and they started driving to the Auckland museum where we kicked the trip off with the great "MORNING TEA"

After morning tea we got given a worksheet to draw on. We went to the Maori part first where i drew a bag that they used in the olden days. Second we went to the pacific area where i drew a knife/sword that they used. Then we got a free draw spot which I never got up to because I was adding too much detail to the worksheet. I know the thing I would've drawn a sword with shark teeth around it (for extra damage).

Then we had lunch and went out for a scavenger hunt in our groups although Francis and I went off with Francis's mum to find things and we found lots of things and at 2:00 we had to finish to get on the bus to get back to school.
Kite koe te wa i muri mai Auckland museum! (See you next time Auckland museum!)


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