
Wednesday 27 August 2014

Quiz article week 6

What was voted the funniest joke at the Edinburgh Fringe comedy festival.

I decided to sell my Hoover ... well it was just collecting dust.

Quote by Tim Vine winner of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. His night vision goggles were definitely a total rip off and at the end... he remembers he doesn't have a wife. His other jokes were as funny as the rest. "Excuse me sir do you happen to have llama?" He asked the someone in the audience. "Don't worry I ask everyone in that seat if they have a llama.

Watch this video to see his performance.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Kabaddi Explanation




Kabaddi is a game of…..? What sort of skills are needed?

tackling , defending, speed, agility, aggression, strength

Where and when was this game invented?
Was there anything significant about the game? i.e. was it connected to an event, did it relate to a legend or story? Was it teaching about something or used as a celebration at certain times of the year?      
Has the game altered or been modified over time?  
Is it still played today? If yes where? How popular is it?             

(Write your notes here - then organise them into paragraphs)
Developed 4000 years ago - develop self-defence skills - warriors
In Sanskrit - translation - holding hands
Contact sport
Similarities- rugby,  Capture the Flag, wrestling
International  Competition - kabaddi World Cup
Other countries play
Alterations- time / one breath.
The Sport

How to Play/Rules
What is the purpose of the game? How many players? Where is it played? (size/shape/type of field/court) Are there any positions?  Where are they allowed to go? What is their main purpose?
What equipment is needed?  How is the game won?
The Sport

(Write your notes here - then organise them into paragraphs)
Field/Court - rectangular -  centre line -  gateway middle
7 players each side
Alternate between- defence/attack
Attack - Send a raider - tag an opponent-  run back through gate
Defence- 4 players link arms - If tagged by raider- catch - restrain from  getting over line.

Skills - wrestling, speed , agility for dodging, side stepping, strength

Kabbadi is a sport like capture the flag and tackle rugby. You need to tag a defender and run back through the gate in the middle of the rectangular field to get a point. But the defenders are trying to tackle you to stop you from getting past the gate in time.

It developed 4000 years ago in India. In Sanskrit to English Kabaddi means holding hands. Its a contact sport because people try to tackle you after you tag them so that you can’t get past the gate. Originally you had to take a big breath and say “Kabaddi kabaddi kabaddi” until you ran out of breath. Now you have 30 seconds to run out tag someone and run back through the gate.

14 people or 2 teams of 7 are needed to play kabaddi 4 as defenders and 3 as raiders. The defenders need to tackle the raider from the other team after the raider tags one of them. The raider needs to tag a defender and get back through the gate within 30 seconds, but the defenders are trying to tackle you.

Kabbadi is a fun game that has got a world cup named after it.

Monday 25 August 2014

Extension Storyline Tour

On Thursday the 28th of August the year seven and eight extension class will be attending he Storylines Tour at the Vodafone Events Centre. We will meet 4 different authors called Juliette Mclver, Cath Mayo, Jill MacGregor, Paula Green. They will be sharing their books with us and hopefully sing some songs. I have researched a bit about each author.  I'm looking forward to Paula Green because she likes to work with kids my age.

Cathrine Mayo:

1. She’s a musician with a band called Gentle Annie.

2. She has made 2 books Murder at Mykenai and The Bow

Jill MacGregor:

1. Jill was a school teacher for many years.

2. She has made 6 books, Taremai’s String, Wrapping it up, Kelea’s clothes, a nest of Pigs,
The Uga Hunt, Billy’s Weekend, Market day and The Rat and the Octopus.

Paula Green
1. She has written 7 books, The Letter Box Cat and Other Poems, Flamingo Bendalingo Macaroni Moon, Aunt Concertina and Her Niece Evalina, The Terrible Night, 99 Ways Ito New Zealand Poetry and Dear Heart.

2. She likes to come to different schools and likes working with year 0 to year 13.

Juliette Mclver:

1. She grew up in Wellington and went to Victoria University to get her degree in linguistics

2. She traveled around Thailand and Europe alone.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Holidays + Assembly

In the holidays I went to Rotorua for a night. We had a buffet for breakfast and I had 2 pancakes, a croissant, a pile of bacon and scrambled eggs. Then we went to the gondola and luge where we met MItchell my friend from year 2. Sadly he moved to Napier in year 4 and is now a 6 hour drive from our house. So we went to a campsite for another night and we stayed  up late watching Drug Bust and stuff like that until it was 9:30. Then mum came in and told us to go to bed. So we did. And we both fell asleep quite fast, but i guess thats what you get when you stay up late. The next day we went to rainbow springs. We went down “the big splash” 4 times. You learn a lot from it but you pretty much lose your stomach on the way down the slide. Then we part ways again.

Then we had a 45 minute drive to Matamata where my grandma and grandad live. They have a dog named Bobbie. We had to walk him every day twice. Sorry I had to walk him every day twice. I didn’t mind though. I like walking dogs. When we get back to Nelson Dad and I want a puppy. A small brown one. Back to the topic of grandma and grandad. After dinner we played games with them. Josh, Grandad, Grandma, Mum, and me. We played dominos because its a short fast game and josh can get to bed roughly on time. When Josh is asleep Mum does work and leaves The rest of us to play what I want. My favourite game over there is chinese checkers. because I almost always come 1st or 2nd. on the 3rd day we had to go home or we would be late for school the next day.

The first day of term 3. I’m happy and not happy at the same time. Happy because I get to see my friends again, not happy because we have to go to school again. To tell truth, I look forward to the first day of school because of the immersion assembly. Its where all 5 teams of the school make a video and play it at the immersion assembly. Five teams equals five videos. My favourite video was team 1’s because My dad was the commentator for the first little bit. Then we got back and had to write about something, so I wrote this.

Bradley Wiggins

Quiz article week 5

What was the score in the Bledisloe Cup opener between the All Blacks and the Wallabies?

The score for the All Blacks Vs Wallabies ended up in a 12-12 draw.Like two years ago, an 18-18 draw in Brisbane prevented the All Blacks matching the 18 straight wins by New Zealand. Wallabies Kurtley Beale and All Blacks Aaron Cruden both landed four penalty goals in wet and slippery weather at Sydney's Olympic stadium. Despite ending a three-year losing run against New Zealand, the Wallabies still face rugby's version of impossible to wrestle back the Bledisloe Cup for the first time in 12 years.
Beale held up by All Blacks defenceHooper looks on in Bledisloe Cup opener

Ki o Rahi explanation

Ki o Rahi

Ki o Rahi is a Maori sport based on a legend of Rahi. In the Legend of Rahi, Rahi’s wife got abducted by a second tribe so Rahi went on a mission to get her back. In the end the two tribes make peace and decided to make a game for people to play and they called it …. Ki o rahi.

In Ki o Rahi what represents the legend are the Te Roto, Te Ao, Ara, Po and Tupu. Te Roto and Te Ao are the two zones. Po are the 7 poles around the outer circle which represents the 7 stars of Matariki, the ki is the flax ball which represents the flax basket that the moa eggs were in and te Tupu represents the rock that Rahi got stranded on.  

To make the playing field you need to make a 3m radius circle and then put te tupu in the middle. After that make another circle around that one and make it 2m bigger than the other circle. Do the same thing again exept 2m around the 2nd circle.

To play Ki o Rahi you will need 7 po, a ball,  a te tupu and circle outlines for the teams you need 2 teams of 7, 14 players in all. The Taniwha team's aim is to hit the Te tupu and the Kioma team’s aim is to  hit the po and block the ball from getting to Taniwha.

Ki-O-Rahi is an exciting game that people really enjoy. It is starting to become popular in New Zealand.

Tukutuku Panels

Monday 18 August 2014

Maths week 5 term 3

Click here to see my maths for this week


Ok so we killed 30,000,000 people. Our choice wasn't the best. The bug was fixed we finished the ship and then killed 30,000,000 people. I'm not proud. So.... We tried again. This time we chose solar sail instead of kinetic impactor. AND WE SAVED THE WORLD. No meteorite damage and no deaths. We got a score of % 80 instead of % 24 which we got when we killed 30,000,000 people. The game was fun and challenging at times. We didn't read the text properly otherwise the council would be easy-peasy.

By Braeden

Astria countdown to impact

The past few days we've played Astria and finished the keycode. Its *>*. Kinda looks like a bird face. The keycode took forever to do but we finally got it.  Then we went onto the council. It took a while but we decided on a way to stop the meteorite and then the game froze. We saved the game left and then came back on. Game still froze. It was very sad because i like the game and want to see the outcome, If I stop the meteor or if I kill 30,000,000 people. ;)

By Braeden

Friday 15 August 2014

Common Wealth games
The commonwealth games have come to an end leaving these countries as the top 5. New Zealand came 6th with 14 gold medals, 14 silver medals and 17 bronze adding up to a total of 45 medals. The Queen's Baton is still going around the country. England have always come in the top 2 apart from one year.

By Braeden

This is my maths week 4 term 3

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Kahurangi dance

The Kahurangi dance is a Maori performance that goes from school to school singing and dancing sharing Maori traditions. The males first had this long stick and they twirled it, pounded it and pointed it, the females though twirled poi around and sang. They told us where they came from and what their treasures are. There were 2 females and 3 males, one of the males was the guitarist for the group. The whole school came round at different intervals, we were the year 7/8 classes. The rest were coming at a different time.

They showed us these short sticks called Tititorea and threw them to each other, they were white and red. A song started up and all 5 members threw sticks to each other and banging them together like symbols. Then they got 3 people up to swing the long sticks around. They kept on messing up and we all laughed."HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" echoed around the hall.

By Braeden

Editing document

Monday 11 August 2014

Astria Countdown to Inpact

Monday the 11 we had Naomi and Jisinda from Auckland university come and show us a game called Astria Countdown to Inpact. Its where you have 99 days to try and stop a meteor from crashing onto your planet. You need to find out information to figure out what the best way of solving this is. We got split into 2 groups, A and B. A went on week 4, B will go on week 5. We've completed every room apart from the room with the keycode. You'll figure it out if you download the game. Its on Google Store. The ship is pretty cool. The colours are yellow, blue and red.

By Braeden

Saturday 9 August 2014

Ki-o-Rahi legend comic

The legend of ki oh rahi

Rahi lived with his wife named Ti ara. They lived in a hilly place. One night Ti ara got kidnapped. So Rahi got a basket of Moa eggs for the journey. He walked, and walked until he found a yellow stone and had a rest on it. All of a sudden a eagle swooped down and Rahi got on its back. The eagle flew to the spot where Ti ara was held hostage and Rahi freed him. They both flew back on the eagle to their house in the hills

Friday 8 August 2014

Week 3 article

 Which actor has been named Hollywood’s highest paid actor for the second year running?

  1. Robert Downey J
  2. Robert has now been highest paid actor for the second year will get roughly $75 million dollars. He is 49 years old and was born on April 4, 1965. He has two children called Indio Falconer Downey and Exton Elias Downey and his parents are Elsie FordRobert Downey Sr. He has made 45 movies. Click here to see them all

Ki-o-Rahi complex sentences

The player hit te tupu.

The player hit the te tupu with a powerful thrust which shot right past the defender.

The ball whizzed by the defender and ricocheted off the te tupu.

The player made a powerful lob that hit the top of The te tupu.

The player ran around the circle and tagged 3 of the thin poles. He then hit te tupu with a powerful thrust which shot right past the defender.  It ricocheted off into his hands again. He made a pass to someone close to one of the skinny poles, and he tagged it. He made a big lob back to the person in the centre, who hit te tupu. “Its the winning point” the whole crowd all yelled!!!

Thursday 7 August 2014

Extra maths

I did this maths extra for fun

This graph shows what is the favourite spread of class 4 is. This bargraph shows that Most people like nutella.

Friday 1 August 2014

Diving explanation

Diving needs these characteristics. Gymnasts, Dancers-strength flexibility, kinaesthetic or air awareness. In the commonwealth games There are 1 metre, 3 metre, 5 metre and 10 metre diving boards. But in the olympic games there are no 1 metre dives.

They need to do a set number of dives including somersaults and twists to get a higher score to have a higher chance to move onto the next round. You need to be vertical while hitting the water to make minimal splash. Too much splash equals in a lower score. The judges score points like this. 3 points for takeoff, 3 points for dive, 3 points for dive and 1 point for flexibility.

They judge the points on a difficulty factor. The harder the dive the more points you will get. The more spins, somersaults and twists the more points. However if  you fail to do the amount of somersaults dives assigned, you’re out of the competition.

By Braeden

Film festival

 We went on a bus to Auckland city to watch 15 - 16 short movies/animations also part of the film festival. It was the first time I have ever been there. I got to see the skyscraper while I was over there. It was REALLY tall, like if it fell over it would reach Taupo. We reached the civic theatre and we all went inside, I buzzed with excitement. It looked like we were in a castle. Then we looked up, in amazement to greet us was a pitch black sky with stars on it. The only problem was, we were there at 10:00 am. So it wasn’t really night time, otherwise it would look like a big glass roof.

Then all the lights slowly dimmed. We whispered to each other that the movie was about to begin. The first  was one with diving giraffes. They V bombed and twirled and they had a giraffe hanging on from a pulley to do trapeze on. Then climbed back up again for another dive. After they had all done it twice they had a drink from the pool! YUCKY!

The next one was a rectangle that said “look on the top of your head and what do you see?... Hair…. Hair…. Curly hair…… straight hair….. Hair.” and this kept on going until he had said every hairdo in the entire world. at some points it was funny. like the moustache hair one.
The last one was the Numberlys (Available from the app store.) They made numbers all day every day. Until one numberly had an idea to make the alphabet. So they stayed up all night making letters and then replacing them all over the city. By the time everyone was awake they all had names on their belly.

Diving paragraph

The Diver balanced so well that she was like a statue on the 15 metre diving board. She had to concentrate. Otherwise she might lose the finals. Then when the stadium was filled to the brim with anticipation. She jumped. The crowd went wild while she triple somersaulted and twisted twice, then perfectly landed vertically on a 90 degree angle. The judges hold up 3 sheets with 10 on it. She knows instantly that she has won the final. She goes up to receive her medal. Not the silver, nor the bronze, the gold.