
Thursday 5 June 2014

Cold windy day

I’m running against the brisk wind, I can’t stop or i’ll be buffeted about. My stomach is rumbling, My jacket is flapping. I can’t run much faster. I look at my watch it replies me with 8:55! I’m late! I’m running but not for long. I have been running for so long and my stomach sends a signal to my brain saying Stop running, fill me! and I stop. I then remember I didn’t have breakfast. I take a snack from my bag  to have on the way.

While i was running my snack fell out of my hand twice. I then figured that I should stop and eat it then continue running. So I gobbled and gulped and swallowed until my snack was finished. Then I continued running but I tripped over and bruised my knee. So then I limped to school and When i’m halfway between the school and where I tripped over and the bell ring BRING!!!! “Great another detention”  I mutter to myself.

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